Shopper Approved Blog

How to Write a Killer Product Description

Written by Duane "DJ" Sprague | Mar 16, 2017 12:00:00 AM

Getting your customer to your product page is a challenge, and converting that visit into a sale is key. When consumers visit product pages, they are looking for details, benefits, and functions of your product. Follow the guidelines below to write a killer product description.

Use Broad and Narrow Keywords

“Black shirt” is broad, and “3/4 length women’s black v-neck shirt” is narrow. The long-tailed (narrow) keywords have a higher ROI and will likely rank higher in organic searches. Broad keywords are more likely to get lost in the vastness of the Internet, but they’re easy to determine and should still be used in your description.

Highlight What Is Unique about Your Product That May Be Difficult for Your Consumers to Find

What makes it stand out against your competitors? Is the shirt stain-resistant? Place unique features of your product close to the top of the description.

Use Bullet Points

If there are multiple features of your product that you’d like to include in the description, bullet points are the best way to do so. They’re a lot easier on the eyes, and it’s easier for your consumers to skim through the list. Really, that’s all they’re going to do anyway.

Keep It Brief and Easy to Read

Unlike this post, keep your product description clean and short. If you write a full two paragraphs about this single product, chances are, consumers will get bored. It certainly doesn’t hurt to have a deeper explanation of a product on your site if it’s more complicated like software. If you drone on for endless sentences about a shirt, people will leave your site. It’s not worth that amount of energy to them to figure out what you’re trying to say about your product.

Make Sure the Product Picture Matches the Description

I know this seems obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many mistakes are made matching up the product description to the right picture. Mind the details.

Include Information That They Are Going to Look For

Selling software? Include what specs their computer will need to run the program. Selling make-up? Include the amount of product they are getting, color(s), texture, etc. This rule is applicable to any online retailer. If you were looking to purchase the product, what would you want to know? Don’t make your customers look for the information about your product elsewhere (they likely won’t) and don’t force them to ask you.

The product description, along with online reviews, will be one of the primary places a consumer makes a purchase decision. Ensure your product description provides all of the information they will need, and close the sale.