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Shopper Approved
+ Zapier

App & integration documentation

Shopper Approved & Zapier Integration Graphic

Zapier allows users to connect Shopper Approved to thousands of other apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Hubspot, Salesforce, Intercom, Zoho, Zendesk and more to effortlessly update customer profiles, add notes, create tickets, and send messages to team channels whenever a customer leaves a review. This saves you time, allows you to take quicker action, and builds better relationships with your customers.

Shopper Approved & Zapier Integration Graphic

The review partner 
you can trust

google review partner, inc500, g2,capterra,bbb a+

Endless Possibilities

Is there an app you wish that Shopper Approved was integrated with? 
Zapier could be the answer to your automation needs. Using Zapier with Shopper 
Approved, you can connect to thousands of apps in numerous creative ways.


Here’s How to Use Shopper Approved
& Zapier Together:

Connect Shopper Approved to
Thousands of Other Popular Apps

Zapier gives you the ability to communicate to other apps that a new Shopper Approved Seller Rating, Product Review, or Media Review has been collected. Zapier is integrated with over 6,000 different apps in a variety of categories. Click Here to see if the app you want to connect to is on the list.

Connect Shopper Approved to Thousands of other apps
Easily automate steps

Easily Automate Steps

With just a few clicks, you can set up Zaps, which connect Shopper Approved and other apps together to allow you to do things like instantly communicate new ratings to your team, update and enhance your customer database with review data, or create help tickets whenever a critical review is received.

Zap Templates

To save you time, Shopper Approved has already created several popular free Zap Templates that allow you to connect to your favorite support, communication, and marketing apps in just a few clicks. These include Microsoft Teams, Intercom, Hubspot, and Slack. And if you have a paid Zapier account, you can create multi-step Zaps and also connect to premium sites like Salesforce, Zendesk, and Zoho CRM. Click Here for a current list of available Zap Templates.

Zap Templates
New to Zapier? Watch this
video to learn more.
   Watch Video
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Shopper Approved into Zapier?
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