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Shopper Approved Seller Ratings Hexa Icon

Increase traffic & sales with new AI-Powered Q&A

  • Increase organic click-through rate up to 121% (Answerbase)
  • Increase organic traffic up to 400%
  • Increase conversion rate by an average of 441% (Answerbase)
Shopper Approved - Q&A play button
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What is AI-Powered Q&A?

AI-Powered Q&A, or AI Q&A for short, is an intelligent question and answer engine powered by artificial intelligence and designed to rank your product questions and answers at the top of organic search results (specifically in the Featured Snippet position). It will also display them on your product pages.

Shopper Approved Q&A on site conversation and off-site traffic

Why do I need AI Q&A?

AI Q&A helps you to answer customer questions you didn’t even know existed.

AI Q&A turns you into an SEO and CRO ninja. Here’s how…

Our Q&A is a searchable database of answers to your shoppers' most common questions, giving them answers when it counts, which increases their confidence to buy.

  • 1
    AI Q&A shows you exactly what consumers are searching for online
  • 2
    Artificial intelligence helps you answer each question
  • 3
    Each Q&A is optimized to give it the highest chance of showing up in Google and Bing organic search results (generating more visibility and traffic)
  • 4
    Strategically display all of the answers on your website, resolving customer’s concerns and increasing your conversion rate and sales!
Shopper Approved Q&A cycle of conversion thru google

AI Q&A directly improves your key marketing metrics:

  • Get up to 4x more organic keywords on page one of Google and Bing
  • Increase your click-through rate (CTR) in search by an average of 121%
  • Increase your website conversion rate by an average of 441%
  • Boost your customer lifetime value (LTV) by up to 2x
  • Lower support costs by up to 60%

AI Q&A changes the way you think about content. Here’s how it works:

Google is just a big Q&A engine, and in recent years, they have made it perfectly clear that they will promote companies who provide well-thought-out, relevant content in the form of helpful questions and answers.

q&a page tab display

Consumers ask questions and you provide answers

There are two ways we collect questions. Either your visitors ask them in the Q&A app on your website, or our AI tool goes out and finds them for you online and on your site; it then helps you find the best answer for each question, which you can edit and enhance based on your industry and product expertise.

q&a Google results

We search-optimize each answer to help them show up as “Featured Snippets” above position #1

Featured Snippets get up to 35% of all traffic on page one, and AI Q&A uses several cutting-edge SEO strategies to maximize your chances of being displayed in this coveted section. The more questions you answer, the more chances you have of showing up.

q&a Google SERP

Your answers can also show up at the top of organic search results

If you don’t make the Featured Snippets section, don’t worry, there is still a good chance that your AI Q&A will display at the top of organic search listings whenever a potential customer performs a search related to the questions you answer. AI Q&A can also show up in the “People Also Ask” section.

Get up to 4x more high-converting
  search traffic

Our AI Q&A tool is strategically engineered to get your Q&A’s indexed and displayed in Google with links directly to your product pages. As you add more Q&A’s, your organic listings will increase, along with your organic search traffic.

q&a epetsupply organinc traffic average growth

Turn up to 75% of customer questions into actual sales

Not only does AI Q&A help you create a constant stream of high-quality, organic traffic flowing directly to your product pages, but it also predisposes visitors to buy, based on your answers to their questions. On average, customers who simply view the AI Q&A tool on our clients’ websites convert at 7.5%, and customers who get a direct answer to their product question convert at up to 75%!

Shopper Approved Quote Left

We find that after answering a customer question with an answer that confirms the product is a good fit we generally see an order approximately 75% of the time.”


Part of the Traffic & Conversion Suite
Seller Ratings build your brand reputation and get you found online

Seller Ratings can be used as a stand-alone product, but when you strategically combine it with Product Reviews, Video Reviews, Search-optimized Q&A, and Website Security it becomes part of the Traffic & Conversion Suite.

The Traffic & Conversion Suite is the most effective way for you to generate more search traffic AND more conversions for your website.

Learn more  about Traffic & Conversion Suite Arrow Blue right
Google SERP results Shopper Approved Widgets and milestones

Seller Ratings and the social proof they generate are important in answering the first critical conversion question: “Can I trust this seller?”

Product Reviews are the most critical part of the Traffic & Conversion Suite on product pages

In a July 2021 national survey, 80% of consumers said that product ratings and reviews are important when searching for products online, with 68% saying they have either a ‘high’ or a ‘very high’ influence on their buying decisions.

Learn more  about Traffic & Conversion Suite Arrow Blue right
Google SERP results Shopper Approved Widgets and milestones

Product Reviews and the UGC they generate are essential in answering the second critical conversion question: “Can I trust this product?”

Video Reviews build your brand reputation and get you found online

Video Reviews are a super powerful tool for SEO and engagement. And they work even better when used strategically to create more trust and conversions through user-generated content (UGC).To multiply and leverage your social proof and UGC across the web, video reviews are an important component of the Traffic & Conversion Suite.

Learn more  about Traffic & Conversion Suite Arrow Blue right
Google SERP results Shopper Approved Widgets and milestones
Increase your site traffic, while also creating more trust and conversions on your product pages with AI Q&A

Not only does AI Q&A help you create a constant stream of high-quality, high-purchase intent organic traffic flowing directly to your product pages, but it also predisposes visitors to buy, based on your answer to their question, which increases your conversion rate and sales. Especially when combined with Product Reviews and Website Security.

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Google SERP results Shopper Approved Widgets and milestones

AI Q&A helps answer the critical conversion question: “Can I trust this product?”

Website Security seals in key locations within the conversion path will increase your sales

Not only are Trust Guard seals proven to convert on their own, but they’re also part of the Traffic & Conversion Suite - a highly-effective combination of Product Reviews, Q&A and Website Security tools that are used by sites like Amazon.com to maximize their conversion rates. Now you can use the same strategy on your website.

Learn more  about Traffic & Conversion Suite Arrow Blue right
Website Security Seal - Black Aviator

Website Security Seals answer the third critical conversion question: “Can I trust this transaction?”

Ready to increase your traffic and conversions?

See first-hand how Shopper Approved drives more reviews, more search engine traffic & higher conversions.

Still unsure?
Get started for free with Seller Ratings

We’re so confident you will love it, that we are offering the longest free trial in the industry.